Solid Waste Management Service Provider - Bhumika Transport
Bhumika Transport is a prominent provider of solid waste management services, known for its trusted leadership and rapid growth in the industry. With a strong presence across the country, we have gained the trust and recognition of the Central Government, state governments, municipal corporations, and municipal councils. Our primary goal is to contribute to the Swachh Bharat mission by promoting cleanliness and sustainability.
At Bhumika Transport, we prioritize the maintenance of a clean and environmentally friendly atmosphere. We understand the crucial role of effective waste management in safeguarding public health, conserving resources, and minimizing environmental impact. Our team of dedicated professionals is fully committed to delivering sustainable waste management solutions that align with the core principles of the Swachh Bharat mission.

Mechanized Road Sweeping

Beach Cleaning

C&D Waste Management

Mechanized Sewer Cleaning

River, Lake & Pond Cleaning

Municipal Solid Waste Management

Legacy Waste Management