Solid Waste Management Service Provider - Bhumika Transport

Bhumika Transport is a prominent provider of solid waste management services, known for its trusted leadership and rapid growth in the industry. With a strong presence across the country, we have gained the trust and recognition of the Central Government, state governments, municipal corporations, and municipal councils.

At Bhumika Transport, we prioritize the maintenance of a clean and environmentally friendly atmosphere. We understand the crucial role of effective waste management in safeguarding public health, conserving resources, and minimizing environmental impact. Our team of dedicated professionals is fully committed to delivering sustainable waste management solutions that align with the core principles of the Swachh Bharat mission.

To ensure the highest level of excellence, we have assembled a team of highly skilled professionals in specialized divisions, including Project and Planning, Project Management, Personnel Administration and Industrial Relations, and Finance/Accounts. These competent individuals drive our operations forward with their expertise and dedication.

At Bhumika Transport, based in Mumbai, we offer comprehensive solutions in the field of Solid Waste Management Projects. Our services encompass the supply of cutting-edge MSW Collection & Transportation Equipment, as well as efficient processing and disposal methods. We excel in executing projects on various models, such as, EPC, BOT, DBOT, BOOT, and PPP.

Our specialization lies in successfully undertaking and completing a wide range of Environmental Infrastructure projects. These include the development of Municipal Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Landfills, along with meticulous cleaning operations such as Beach Cleaning, River Cleaning, Sewer Line Cleaning, Bridge Cleaning, Tunnel Cleaning, Road Cleaning, Furniture & Statue Cleaning, BRTS Cleaning, Vegetable Market Cleaning, and Garden Cleaning. Moreover, Bhumika Transport offers extensive consulting experience in various environmental management projects and boasts in-house research and development capabilities. Our primary goal is to contribute to the Swachh Bharat mission by promoting cleanliness and sustainability.